The groups say preparations for construction of a commercial-scale wind turbine by the Ohio National Guard have already violated the Endangered Species Act.
Donald Trump has promised a renaissance for the coal industry. But analysts say the market forces causing the decline of coal and the rise of renewables may be difficult to stop.
Natural gas will be a chief energy export in Pennsylvania for years to come. But the state's vast and largely untapped wind resources could also add to the state's reputation as a major energy player.
Solar and wind power are generally only useful when the sun is shinning or the wind is blowing. But new battery technologies could help renewables become a full-time power source.
Democratic lawmakers have negotiated a five-year extension of federal wind and solar incentives designed to encourage more renewable energy production in the U.S.
Earlier this month, President Obama released the widely anticipated Clean Power Plan, calling it the single most important step America has ever taken in the fight against climate change.