Call it a silver lining. But states along the Ohio River have much better safeguards for drinking water supplies today as a result of some past disasters.
A new report is shedding light on how states can better manage the social and economic impacts of fracking—including how to protect workers against boom-and-bust cycles.
Ohio State University is getting serious about transforming the state’s agricultural system. How serious? Try $100 million serious. So where does that leave Pennsylvania?
Meat carries a bigger carbon footprint than most foods. But an Ohio couple is raising an environmentally friendly protein you can get behind—as long as you’re okay with eating insects.
A uranium enrichment plant in Piketon, Ohio used to employ hundreds of workers. Now hundreds more are busy cleaning up its legacy of pollution. But those jobs—critical to the town's economy—could be gone soon too.
Many of us have a hard enough time processing the threats and realities of climate change ourselves. But explaining those issues to our children can be even trickier.