You can’t frack for natural gas in New York. But that ban doesn’t apply to pipelines carrying Pennsylvania gas or the building of natural gas power plants that need fuel.
Pennsylvania’s environmental justice program was created before the state’s fracking boom began. So none of the state’s more than 10,000 shale gas wells were ever subject to it. Some environmentalists think it’s time that changes.
If you believe your health has been, or could be, impacted by industry pollution, one place to start is this organization. Staffed with doctors, nurses and public health scientists, the Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project helps people and communities protect themselves.
Fracking-induced earthquakes have been detected in neighboring Ohio before, but the five tremors recorded in western Pennsylvania in 2016 are the state's first.
According to a new report, Pennsylvanians have filed around 9,000 complaints over the past decade, mostly over water contamination. And that number has increased dramatically in the fracking era.
Despite the idea falling flat with the Republican legislature each of the past two years, a tax on natural gas development is again on Tom Wolf's agenda. But does it have a shot at passing?
It was one of the more dramatic moments of the past year's growing battle over gas infrastructure: The day Elise Gerhart climbed a tree on her family's property to protest the clearing of a right-a-way for a new natural gas pipeline.
Residents who thought they lived far outside drilling country are increasingly discovering the boom in pipeline construction is bringing the fracking debate to their doorsteps.
The EPA's landmark study of fracking's impact on drinking water has been embroiled in a seesaw battle of semantics. Here's what the agency is saying in its final report.