Democratic Socialists are on the ballot in states like Florida, Kansas and Pennsylvania. And they have their own ideas about how to save the environment.
Fracking has eaten up nearly 1,800 acres of state forest, and reduced core forest area by 15,000 acres in Pennsylvania. The state is trying to figure out how to regrow forests on land once dedicated to gas production.
Families in Butler County sued the fracking company when their well water had a strong smell and a bad taste after drilling began. Their water is still bad.
Range Resources is building a shale gas well along a ridge a few hundred feet from the popular trail. A pipeline right-of-way, about 50 feet wide, has been cut through a wooded section that hikers will see as they pass by.
On this special episode of The Allegheny Front, we're handing the show over to our friends at Inside Energy. They're a public media collaboration focused on Ame...
Ohioans are concerned about the impact that all the new well pads, pipelines, compressor stations and diesel truck traffic are having on the environment and the quality of life in their rural communities. What can they learn from what has happened in southwestern Pennsylvania?