Look up when you're in Philadelphia and you might just see a bald eagle. But what makes Philly a good home for this once-endangered bird? The Delaware.
Black-capped chickadees clamor around bird feeders in the winter. They have a diet that many of us might envy -- they eat all day long, and lose much of it overnight.
Interior's rule to weaken bird protections that favored the oil industry was thrown out by a judge. But the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will open for drilling.
Black birders celebrate their passion and share their experiences. “I haven't had something in my life that has been so fulfilling, and that I can put so much of my energy into and get so much joy out of it."
Common birds like the great horned owl could become less common and the state bird, the ruffed grouse could disappear altogether in Pa if global temperatures continue to rise.