This Labor Day: Why a coalition of environmental groups and unions endorsed Joe Biden. Coal miners are suffering from an epidemic of Black Lung disease, COVID is making it worse. Federal judges throw out Pa.’s air rules for coal plants that address smog. Rare bipartisan support for community solar projects.
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Why a Coalition of Labor Unions and Environmental Groups Endorsed Joe Biden - The BlueGreen Alliance sees the reelection of Donald Trump as an "existential threat," while Joe Biden has put "good paying jobs" at the center of his climate plan.
How Miners With Black Lung Disease Are Navigating the Pandemic - Living with Black Lung disease, a death sentence for coal miners, is devastating. COVID is making it worse.
- The Black Lung Disease Epidemic that ‘Shouldn’t Have Happened’ - An NPR investigation into the regulatory failures — and the human costs, including to Pennsylvania miners — of a disease that has been described as "suffocating while alive."
Community Solar Proposal Getting Bipartisan Support in Legislature - Community solar projects are larger than home rooftop panels, but smaller than utility-scale grids. Subscribers use the energy that's generated and get a credit on their electricity bills.
Federal Judges Throw Out ‘Gaping Loophole’ in PA’s Coal Pollution Plan - Coal plants could lower operating temperatures to ‘evade’ stringent limits on nitrogen oxides that contribute to smog. DEP has two years to come up with a new plan.