A vaccine blitz for raccoons to stop rabies from marching westward. How to shop smart for electricity. A short documentary features little kids tackling a big environmental problem… litter. News about a new plan for Pa.’s state parks to address climate change, a fine for spills from the Mariner East, and a roadblock for a new coal mine in Allegheny County.
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Vaccinating raccoons against rabies in Allegheny County to stop its spread west - Tens of thousands of vaccine packets are being dropped across the county to stop raccoon rabies from spreading westward. USDA is working to push it back east until it's fully eradicated.
When it comes to electricity, Pennsylvanians have lots of options - Buyers should take time to do their homework and read the fine print when choosing an electricity provider, and keep tabs on the price.
Kids Make a Video Celebrating ‘Litter Gitters’ in Their Community - Budding filmmakers work on a project they hope will draw attention to the litter problem in Beaver County, and inspire other kids to make a difference.
DCNR’s 25-Year Plan for State Parks Stresses Need to Address Effects of Climate Change - DCNR has released its 25-year plan for state parks, and climate change is front and center. It calls for ways to both mitigate and adapt to the consequences.
Proposed Coal Mine in the Mon Valley Hits Roadblock at Township Meeting - The Forward Township planning commission unanimously rejected a challenge to rezone the property to allow for coal mining. Community members in attendance were "100 percent against" the mine.
Environmental Advocates Call on Legislature to Put More Money Toward Chesapeake Bay Cleanup - They want lawmakers to use some of the billions they have in federal dollars toward waterway cleanup that would benefit the Chesapeake Bay.