One Pittsburgh area school district is the first in the state to pass a climate resolution. We’ll hear how students made it happen. What’s being done to bring climate science to students across Pa. Planting a rare spruce forest for one small inhabitant – ready in 50 years. How a drop in oil prices may be good for Pa. shale gas.
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Creating a New Spruce Forest for One Small Inhabitant - The imperiled West Virginia northern flying squirrel needs rare red spruce forests to survive. So forests managers are planting a new one, ready in 50 years.
Climate Education Empowers Students to Action - A climate presentation sparked these students to push for a climate change resolution in their district, Woodland Hills. It became the first in Pennsylvania to do just that.
State to Allegheny, Beaver and 10 Other Counties: Seek and Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Eggs - The pest, which has already damaged grape crops in eastern counties, is moving westward. Businesses will need permits to move goods in and out of quarantined counties.
A Random Act of Teaching: The State of Climate Change Education in PA - In Pennsylvania, teaching climate science is not required and can be fairly controversial. But that might soon change... in a few years.
Analyst: Oil Price War Might Actually be Good for Pennsylvania Shale Industry - If oil production drops because the price of oil has tanked, demand for shale gas may rise. But a coronavirus-related recession could change that.
Fight Over Natural Gas Tax Break Divides PA Democrats - It's a fight among unions and environmentalists on a bill that would give tax breaks to companies that use natural gas to make plastics or fertilizers.