A look back at environmental stories of 2020. Blaming the pandemic, some people doubt that a petrochemical boom will actually come to the Ohio Valley. The boom and bust of the coal industry means Appalachia needs new economic solutions to undo decades of neglect. And the massive protests against racial discrimination last year brought more attention to environmental justice.
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In the Ohio River Valley, the Petrochemical Boom Is on Hold - Has the pandemic and other economic woes made the plastics boom a bust? Some in the community are hopeful it will still come to the region.
Can the environmental movement address American racism? - We talk with Mustafa Ali, a leader in the environmental justice movement, about how racial disparities go beyond policing, to public health and the environment.
RGGI, Behind the Rhetoric: What We Know About the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - RGGI has been touted as a either a key climate action or job killer. Find out the facts of RGGI.
“Appalachian Fall” Shows How Coal Country Could Be a Model for Rebuilding America - Authors of a new book say coal country's crisis should matter to the nation. "America's got to figure out transition for economies, and we need to do it right here in Appalachia, right now."