
Prove your humanity

On Earth Day President Joe Biden announced an ambitious goal to fight the climate crisis: The country will cut by half its global warming emissions by 2030. Such action will require a massive reduction in the use of fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas, long a bedrock of the economy for Ohio Valley and Appalachian communities.

But Biden’s Energy Secretary, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, said in an interview with the Ohio Valley ReSource that the region could gain jobs as a result of action against climate change.

“I don’t mean to be a Pollyanna, I understand this issue of transitioning is hard,” she said, “but I want to give people hope that this administration is really interested in helping to lure businesses, and diversify existing businesses that are there to be able to take advantage of what is going to be a massive market opportunity if we do this right.”

In the new podcast “Welcome to AppalachAmerica”, host Jeff Young of the Ohio Valley ReSource talked to Granholm about President Joe Biden’s plans for investment in coal-dependent communities.

“Welcome to AppalachAmerica” is a production of the Ohio Valley ReSource and Louisville Public Media. Listen to more episodes at AppalachAmerica.org.

LISTEN to the episode of “Welcome to AppalachAmerica” with guest Jennifer Granholm


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