We’re Covering Climate Now with a look at climate education in Pa. schools. One student grapples with her questions about climate change. Plus, we talk with a philosopher about how to combat climate denial. In Ohio, “secret” chemicals were injected nearly 11,000 times into fracking wells in a 5-year period.
LISTEN to the episode (29:00)
A Random Act of Teaching: The State of Climate Change Education in PA - In Pennsylvania, teaching climate science is not required and can be fairly controversial. But that might soon change... in a few years.
UN Secretary General António Guterres on climate change: Governments need to do more - "What I want is to have the whole of society putting pressure on governments to make governments understand that they need to run faster. Because we are losing the race."
One Teen Grapples With Her Questions About Climate Change - "I want to understand." Kayonia Sowell wishes she would have learned about climate change in school.
The Philosophy of Climate Denial - How do you change the minds of climate deniers? We ask a philosopher of science for some answers.
Advocates Say Vehicle Electrification Is The Future And PA Is Lagging Behind - They say Pennsylvania is squandering a financial windfall and missing out on air quality improvements.
Report: “Trade Secret” Chemicals Injected Nearly 11,000 Times at Oil and Gas Wells in Ohio - Not knowing the identity of all chemicals used at fracking sites makes emergency responders nervous.