This week on The Allegheny Front, betting on the future of natural gas. And Pennsylvania’s governor is positioning himself as a champion of green energy. But what has he done to make more renewable energy a reality in the state? For that matter, what will any of the candidates in the upcoming midterms do about the environment in Pennsylvania? (photo: Amy Sisk)
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Stories in this episode
Where Midterm Candidates Stand on Environmental Issues - To find out what candidates on the ballot in Allegheny County think about climate change and the environment, we sent them a survey. Here are the key takeaways.
Climate Change: A Crisis for Humanity, But Not Such a Big Deal in the PA Governor’s Race - They at least acknowledge that climate change is real. Wolf hasn't followed up with climate pledges from his first campaign and Wagner says there's not much the governor can do.
Can Shale Gas Rebuild the Region’s Manufacturing Base? - Some are hoping that natural gas can create a plastics industry in the Ohio Valley. Others fear air quality and drinking water will be harmed.
EPA head says rollbacks will keep environment clean, economy up - Wheeler says federal action isn't needed to lower carbon dioxide and that the U.S. should continue to promote coal.
Bloomberg Awards Pittsburgh Over $2.5 Million To Address Climate Change - Bloomberg said they were looking for cities with ambitious - yet realistic - goals to address climate change. Pittsburgh wants to use 100% renewable energy by 2030.