This week on The Allegheny Front, how toxic trash is finally being cleaned up. Plus a host of bills in the Pennsylvania House look to boost the state’s economy by encouraging natural gas development. And why birds like the Great Horned Owl could become less common in Pennsylvania’s forests.
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Connecting the Dots Between Rick Perry, Ukraine’s Natural Gas and Impeachment - President Trump says a key phone call at the center of the Ukraine scandal was Rick Perry’s idea. Is he throwing his Energy Secretary under the bus?
Pennsylvanians Tell EPA, We Need More Controls on Methane, Not Less - “I feel that it’s important that everyone knows how the industry is affecting everyone’s health, the planet, and our children."
What You Need to Know About PA GOP’s Pro-Gas Bills - Energize PA's most controversial bill would remove permitting authority from DEP and put it in the hands of a politically-appointed commission.
Forty Percent of Pennsylvania Bird Species Are Vulnerable to Climate Change - Common birds like the great horned owl could become less common and the state bird, the ruffed grouse could disappear altogether in Pa if global temperatures continue to rise.