In this episode, a Clean Power Plan postmortem. Plus, as one community shifts from a coal economy to natural gas, a coal miner just a few dozen miles miles away wonders if he’ll be laid off again. (photo: x1klima / flickr)
Listen to this episode (29:00)
Stories in this episode
The Clean Power Plan Postmortem - It's now official. The Clean Power Plan is no more. What were they thinking?
Going Back to Work Underground - David Hathaway had one iron-clad rule in his job hunt: he wouldn’t leave Greene County. And that meant going back to work in a mine.
Pipelines Fuel Concern for Waterways in Coal Country - Pipeline projects are crisscrossing our region so that natural gas can get to market. One rural community in coal country is struggling to keep up with all the construction while trying to protect its natural resources.
Lawsuits Around Climate Change are on the Rise - The role of climate science in court is changing, with anti-regulation advocates winning more often.