In this episode, we dig into why a group of Pennsylvania doctors is now calling for a fracking moratorium and explore how the climate movement can still push forward during the Trump era.
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Stories in this episode
Lessons Learned from Raising a 43-Pound Monster Turkey - Hobby farmer Ken Chiacchia raises turkeys that are twice as big as a jumbo supermarket bird. But he says his bragging rights come from how they're raised—not how big they get.
What the Story of Chocolate Teachers us About the Loss of Biodiversity - The homogenization of the food supply not only means the loss of a more diverse way of eating, but the loss of important cultural legacies.
Group of Doctors Says It’s Time to Hit ‘Pause’ on Fracking - The Pennsylvania Medical Society—which represents a quarter of the state’s doctors—is reversing course and calling for a moratorium on new hydraulic fracturing operations.
How the Climate Movement Can Still Make Headway in the Trump Era -'s May Boeve says a Trump presidency doesn't mean all hope is lost when it comes to meaningful action on climate change. But the movement must get serious about building power at the local level.
What Parts of Your Thanksgiving Meal Are Genetically Modified? - We're not suggesting you bug your host about it. But here are some pointers for spotting things on your plate that could be—and probably aren't—genetically engineered foods.