This week on The Allegheny Front, we look at new opportunities for miners in renewable energy. Plus more traditional environmental jobs are also paying off in coal country. And using data collected over years to understand new bird breeding behavior.
Stories in this episode
Why Solar Eclipsed Coal in Jobs - Solar jobs now out number coal jobs by more than 2 to 1. But can laid off coal miners find jobs in solar?
Meet the EPA Staffer Who Sent His Boss a Scathing ‘I Quit!’ Letter - On his way out the door, Michael Cox sent his new boss at EPA a scathing letter: "I have worked under six administrations with political appointees leading EPA from both parties. This is the first time I remember staff openly dismissing and mocking the environmental policies of an administration and by extension you."
How Regulation is Creating Jobs in Coal Country - In parts of coal country environmental regulations aren’t killing jobs, they’re creating them. Stream restoration made possible under the Clean Water Act is a multi-billion dollar industry and some former coal miners are finding work thanks to this revenue stream.
Birds Breed Early to Catch Up to Climate Change - New research shows that in order for some early birds to catch the worm they have to breed sooner. The new behavior is an example of how birds in western Pennsylvania are adapting to climate change according to a new study from Powdermill Nature Reserve.