In this episode, we check out some of our award-winning stories from 2016—including a look at a new battery technology that could give renewables a boost and an investigation of a coal ash dump near Pittsburgh that may be causing health problems for a rural community and a nearby prison.
Listen to this episode (29:00)
Stories in this episode
Even on the Trail, the Music Never Stops - WYEP's production director, Brian Siewiorek, left the headphones behind on a recent bike trip from Pittsburgh to D.C. But even then, he couldn't get the music out of his head.
What Led to DEP Secretary John Quigley’s Resignation? - Governor Wolf's environmental chief resigned last Friday following a controversy over an angry, expletive-filled email he sent to environmental groups. But the email scandal may just have been the final nail in the coffin for Quigley.
Two Men, One Coal-Ash Dump, No Answers - A coal ash dump an hour south of Pittsburgh may be causing health problems for a rural community and a nearby prison.
Better Energy Storage Gives Renewables a Boost - Solar and wind power are generally only useful when the sun is shinning or the wind is blowing. But new battery technologies could help renewables become a full-time power source.
What’s Driving the Drop in Monarch Butterfly Numbers? - Monarch butterflies are one of the hallmarks of spring. But their populations have dropped by 90 percent over the past 20 years.