This week on The Allegheny Front, reclaimed mineland gets an ecological do-over. Citizen scientists are needed to track pollinators. Plus, some say there are too many farmers markets, but for many growers, it’s a reliable source of income. From our Trump on Earth podcast, we look at some of the 2020 Democratic candidates’ climate plans.
LISTEN to the episode (29:00 minutes)
Citizen Science Project Trains Volunteers to Monitor Pollinators - Citizen scientists can get up close and personal with some of the bees, flies and ants that pollinate wildflowers.
Former Minelands Get an Ecological Do-Over - Replanting reclaimed mine sites with native trees is part of an effort to do mine reclamation right a second time around.
Will Climate Change Matter in 2020? - There are 23 people vying for the chance to replace President Trump in the White House. What are they saying about climate change?
Is The Bumper Crop of Pa. Farmers Markets Putting the Squeeze on Profits? - Are the more than 300 farmers markets bad for business or vital to local farms?