Bald eagles are bringing joy to Philadelphians, while one artist shows off her love of the Delaware. Climate change is causing many plants to leaf out or bud early. This mismatch could wreak havoc on the ecosystem. Why a new air permit at the Clairton Coke Works could increase pollution emissions.
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A Bald Eagle Brings Joy in Philadelphia - Look up when you're in Philadelphia and you might just see a bald eagle. But what makes Philly a good home for this once-endangered bird? The Delaware.
Community Group Created to Advise Three Mile Island Cleanup - A citizens committee will now help guide the decommissioning of the plant’s infamous Unit 2 reactor, which partially melted down in 1979. One question is what should be done with the radioactive waste.
Group Worries New Air Pollution Permit Could Allow Clairton Coke Works to Pollute More - Is U.S. Steel making up pollution numbers to avoid stricter rules under the Clean Air Act? GASP thinks it just might be. They want the company to show their math.
Wolf Administration to Buy Half of State Government’s Electricity from Solar - The Wolf Administration says it is making the largest government commitment to solar energy in the country. The state will buy power from seven new solar projects.
Spring is Here, But Is Nature in Sync? - Researchers are collecting local plants and using Henry David Thoreau’s “Walden,” and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History's collection for clues.
Chesapeake Fined $1.9 Million for Wetland, Stream Violations in PA - The company damaged dozens of waterways at its gas drilling sites in Pennsylvania. It will have to restore 55 acres of wetlands and repair 4,000 feet of streams.