In this episode, we dig into the presidential candidates’ positions on some hot-button environmental issues and explore how the risks from oil train accidents disproportionately affect the poor and people of color.
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Stories in this episode
- Oil Trains Carry Bigger Risks for People of Color - Thousands of Pennsylvanians live within the evacuation zone of a potential oil train accident. But people of color and low-income communities are shouldering a larger share of the risk.
Where Do Clinton, Sanders Stand on Fracking? - A top environmental concern for Pennsylvanians is getting some play on the national stage. But what's behind the candidates' tough talk on fracking?
On Climate Change, John Kasich Marches to a Different Beat - John Kasich has broken ranks with other Republicans on the issue of climate change. But his views on the environment are difficult to categorize.
What Does Bankruptcy in the Coal Industry Look Like? - As bankruptcy sweeps across the coal industry, it's often workers and retirees that stand to lose the most.
Pennsylvania DEP Says It’s Time to Step Out of the Tech Dark Ages - No Wi-Fi. That's right—the Pennsylvania DEP still doesn't have Wi-Fi. But DEP Secretary John Quigley says one of his top priorities is to bring the agency into the 21st century.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Weighing In On Major Drilling Laws - A case now before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court could decide what the state's constitutional guarantee of clean air and clean water really means on the ground.