Meat from game animals shot with lead bullets pose a risk to hunters, and families who eat the meat donated to food banks. The Trump administration will sell leases to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Can Biden stop it? How will Biden’s climate plan fare in Pennsylvania?
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Help Us Figure Out What’s Next After Trump on Earth - Take our short survey on what our next podcast should be, after four years of Trump.
Trump’s Last Act: Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - The Trump administration announced it will sell drilling leases in early January. Can Joe Biden do anything to stop oil drilling in the refuge?
Lead in Game Meat a Health Risk for Hunting Families and Food Bank Recipients - Pennsylvania hunters donated 160,000 pounds of game meat to food banks last year. Lead ammo can contaminate meat with dangerous levels of toxic lead.
Federal Agency Approves Transfer of TMI-2 for Decommissioning - The partial meltdown of the Three Mile Island reactor is still the country’s most serious accident at a nuclear power plant.
Can Biden’s Climate Plan Spark Cooperation in Pennsylvania? - Some see possible common ground in jobs and infrastructure projects like charging stations for electric cars.
Families and Advocates Criticize Pa.’s Fracking Health Studies - Families say they're being cut out of the process of designing studies about whether fracking had anything to do with childhood cancers in SW Pa.