Daniel Rossi-Keen, the group's executive director, says the debate around the ethane cracker being built in his county is predictable. Instead of being for or against it, his group is ready to "do the hard work of developing healthy and creative community together."
The agency's preliminary analysis shows green infrastructure is more expensive to use to prevent sewage entering rivers than pipes and other gray infrastructure in most locations.
Now that President Trump has announced the U.S. is pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, does Todd Stern think there's any hope for meaningful action on climate change?
FBI agents have interviewed current or former state employees in recent weeks about the Mariner East project, which has a long track record of drilling mud spills, fines and regulatory shutdowns.
The rules include an extension for the closure of unlined coal ash lagoons. A recent study has shown more than 90% of these sites are leaking arsenic and other toxins at levels exceeding EPA health standards.