An Obama-era rule has already reduced toxic air pollution like mercury from coal-fired power plants. So why did the EPA roll it back now? In a word, co-benefits.
There are some similarities: a reluctance to admit to the scale of the problem and the need to take radical action very quickly on a global scale. And we have to listen to the scientists.
This year is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, but the coronavirus pandemic has moved celebrations online. Environmental groups have a month-long challenge for Pennsylvanians of all ages.
The pest, which has already damaged grape crops in eastern counties, is moving westward. Businesses will need permits to move goods in and out of quarantined counties.
One author examines the rise of oil as the dominant resource for power. "So we fought many wars for access to oil when oil was plentiful. You have to wonder what's going to happen when oil becomes a scarce resource."
A change to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act drastically weakens how birds are protected. A former official who managed the bird program for 30 years speaks out.
Scientists do a lot of flying to meetings and conferences. For Peter Kalmus, flying 50,000 miles a year for his work was a huge chuck of his carbon footprint.
Freshwater Accountability Project will collect air and water quality data near schools, and daycare and senior centers close to the site in Belmont County.