Michigan artist Jane Kramer is using paper made from the fibers of invasive plants to put a spotlight on some of the region's most threatened plant species.
Moths get just a fraction of the study that butterflies and bees do. But a team at Chatham University is doing their part to make sure moths get the credit—and scientific attention—they deserve.
The U.S. Forest Service inventories the types and condition of trees all across the country. And now, the agency is expanding that effort to better understand our urban forests.
Fireflies are known to flash in sync in just a few places on earth. But scientists have recently discovered that one of those places is the Allegheny National Forest.
In the coming weeks, billions of cicadas will emerge across the region after hanging out underground for 17 years. But how exactly they know when to emerge en masse is still kind of a mystery.
Every bothered to check out what that ant crawling down the sidewalk is really up to? In his new book, author Nathanael Johnson takes a fresh look at the natural mysteries hiding in plain sight.