A long legacy of industrial pollution has made the Ohio the archetype of a "working" river. But the National Wildlife Federation thinks the Ohio could be transformed into a recreation destination.
A 600-mile-long algae bloom on the Ohio River in 2015 sent officials scrambling to protect water supplies and looking for answers to prevent future blooms.
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funds projects that protect and restore the largest system of fresh surface water in the world. Can it be saved?
Sunoco has agreed to halt drilling operations related to the Mariner East 2 pipeline construction in Chester County where several dozen residents have been without water for the past week.
When toxins from a harmful algal bloom caused Toledo to issue a “Do Not Drink Advisory” to 400,000 people, Ohio Sea Grant was a first responder. But now the program, which manages over 50 different projects focused on the blooms, is on the Trump administration's chopping block.
Plastic bags are a persistent litter problem in the Great Lakes. And all over the country they are seen as a nuisance. Some cities--like New York--have tried to ban bags or charge a fee for them. But it's hard to make these bans stick.
In parts of coal country environmental regulations aren’t killing jobs, they’re creating them. Stream restoration made possible under the Clean Water Act is a multi-billion dollar industry and some former coal miners are finding work thanks to this revenue stream.
When Cleveland's Cuyahoga River actually caught fire in 1969, it became a national rallying cry for the country to confront its long-neglected water pollution problems.