Delaware River Basin Commission Votes to Ban Fracking in the Watershed Susan PhillipsFebruary 26, 2021 The four-state commission cited scientific evidence that fracking has polluted drinking water, surface water, and groundwater. EnergyWater
Groups Oppose Pittsburgh-Area Fracking Waste Injection Well Reid FrazierFebruary 12, 2021 The groups are concerned about drinking water contamination and earthquakes. Regulators say it's safe. EnergyWater
Unused Gas Well Spews What’s Suspected to Be Frack Waste, Killing Fish Julie GrantFebruary 4, 2021 The leak, which is now contained, killed fish in a small stream in Noble County, Ohio. The well hasn't produced natural gas in years. EnergyPollutionWater
In Centre County, Solar Energy Has an Unlikely Booster: The Wastewater Authority Anne DanahyJanuary 29, 2021 The wastewater authority wants to put solar panels on homes in a pilot project to generate renewable energy and offset water pollution. EnergyPollutionWater
Report Faults DEP for Failure to Protect Streams from Mining in Western Pa. Reid FrazierJanuary 22, 2021 The report says DEP is allowing dozens of miles of streambeds to be damaged from longwall mining in southwestern Pa. EnergyWaterWild PennsylvaniaYour Environment Update
State Gives $34 Million for Water Cleanup Rachel McDevittJanuary 6, 2021 The Growing Greener program funded 149 projects across Pennsylvania for improvements like reducing farm runoff and restoring watersheds. WaterWild Pennsylvania
Groups Look to Protect Pennsylvania’s Lake Erie Watershed with Common Goals Kara HolsoppleDecember 11, 2020 Lake Erie supports fishing, boating, swimming and even a craft beer industry, but there are threats to the watershed. A new plan outlines solutions. ConservationEnvironmental JusticeWaterWild PennsylvaniaYour Environment Update
Central Pa. Counties Get $6M to Help Reduce Pollution to the Chesapeake Bay Rachel McDevittNovember 30, 2020 The counties are responsible for some of the highest levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment running into the Chesapeake Bay. PollutionWater
EPA Reaches Settlement With Koppers Over W.Va. And Pa. Facilities Brittany PattersonNovember 25, 2020 The Pittsburgh-based company failed to prepare for the possibility of millions of gallons of oil flowing into the Mon and Ohio rivers. PollutionWater
PWSA Charged With Illegally Discharging Sludge Into Allegheny River Margaret J. KraussNovember 19, 2020 The federal charges are for making false statements at PWSA's drinking water plant, in violation of the Clean Water Act. PollutionWater