When you start out in birding, you get yourself a good pair of binoculars, a guide to birds, and some sturdy footwear. But something else you want to have is a mentor.
The streams carry some of the cleanest water in the state, attracting tourists and providing drinking water to cities downstream. But resort owners worry that greater protections could hamper future development.
Range Resources is building a shale gas well along a ridge a few hundred feet from the popular trail. A pipeline right-of-way, about 50 feet wide, has been cut through a wooded section that hikers will see as they pass by.
In this week’s episode of the Trump on Earth podcast, we explore Trump's plans for our public lands. About one-third of the United States is federally owned. And that means it belongs to all of us -- the public. But that also gives the President a lot of power over these places.