More improvements are on the horizon for yet-to-be named state parks that include hiking trails, water access and a station on the Underground Railroad.
The program manager of the Western Virginia Highlands Conservancy on what employee firings at key agencies could mean for conservation efforts in her state and across the nation.
The public propelled the Delaware River to the honor of River of the Year. "Folks are flocking to the river. Recreation is booming all along the river."
The effort to build a loop of trails in Rothrock State Forest in Centre and Huntingdon counties just got a boost from the state, with a $500,000 grant.
An event focused on interactive public art led a group to Turtle Cove along the Allegheny River. Participants collected trash and constructed sculptures.
After the Homer City coal-fired power plant closed last year, residents of the Indiana County community are trying to make a go of tourism by cleaning up its legacy pollution.