The company agreed to donate $30,000 to restore part of Chartiers Creek and for township park improvements. It will also donate 184 acres to Allegheny County.
For those new to Pittsburgh, the realization that the air isn’t always healthy to breathe can come as a shock. That’s what happened to producer Susan Scott Peterson and her family.
Documents from a lawsuit regarding the 2018 Christmas Eve Fire at the Clairton Coke Works show problems went undetected for years; conditions at the plant were described as “decrepit” and “alarming.”
Emerging research finds polluted air linked to mental health problems, leaving western Pennsylvania children and environmental justice communities at high risk.
New research indicates that childhood lead exposure impacts adult mental health. The toxic heavy metal is found across western Pennsylvania drinking water systems, leaving thousands of kids at risk.
The astronomer who helped Pittsburgh with its new dark sky lighting ordinance says, "I want more people to see the Milky Way right from where they live."
US EPA determined that Metalico is a major source of air pollution. Neighbors and air activists have been complaining about odors and pollution for years.
When the coke plant in Monessen started back up in September, so did the air quality complaints. Its previous owner agreed to a nearly $2 million settlement for air violations.