The rules targeted hydrogen sulfide, a gas with a rotten egg smell. The officer said the rules violated a settlement between the health department and the company.
The sibling duo started the aluminum can recycling business, in part, because of pandemic boredom. Now, they have more cans than they can crush and advice for young entrepreneurs, like Tip No. 8: "Feel good about helping the environment!"
Volunteers spent just three hours clearing more than a ton of trash at one of the dozens of illegal dumpsites in Allegheny County slated for cleanup by Allegheny Cleanways.
The change would require DEP to determine how much of each kind of pollutant can be spilled before a spill is reported. Critics say that's impractical.
Plastic traded between countries has the carbon footprint of a mid-sized European country. By 2050, it will account for 15% of the world's greenhouse gases.
A loophole in state law allows drilling wastewater to be used on roads to suppress dust or melt ice, but it contains salts, metals and radioactive materials.
The company agreed to donate $30,000 to restore part of Chartiers Creek and for township park improvements. It will also donate 184 acres to Allegheny County.
For those new to Pittsburgh, the realization that the air isn’t always healthy to breathe can come as a shock. That’s what happened to producer Susan Scott Peterson and her family.