At an oil and gas conference in Pittsburgh Wednesday, Continental Resources CEO Harold Hamm made the case that Trump is the best choice for the drilling industry.
The ever-shifting debate over energy policy has many in a Pennsylvania coal town fired up–and worried–about the outcome of this year's presidential election.
Governor Wolf's environmental chief resigned last Friday following a controversy over an angry, expletive-filled email he sent to environmental groups. But the email scandal may just have been the final nail in the coffin for Quigley.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Secretary John Quigley resigned Friday afternoon following a controversy over an email he sent to environmental groups.
Though a majority of Americans now oppose fracking, all three anti-fracking candidates in Pennsylvania's Democratic primary recently went down to defeat. So what gives?
Pennsylvania's nine-month budget stalemate is finally over. And people at Penn State's century-old agricultural extension are breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Congress is set to update a 40-year-old law regulating toxic chemicals in everyday products. But a watchdog group says the new regs were basically written by and for industry.