A group of residents in Westmoreland County hopes a judge will halt expansion of gas drilling in their township, and will throw out a zoning ordinance that allows drilling in most of the community.
A listen-back to 23 episodes of Trump on Earth. From public lands to climate change, how has environmental policy changed under the Trump administration?
While the world has been focused, justifiably, on other things, the Trump administration has been reshaping environmental policy. But how far has it gone?
While Hurricane Irma was bearing down on South Florida last week, EPA chief Scott Pruitt said now is not the time to talk about climate change. So if not now, when?
Pennsylvania received more than $51 million in EPA grants to cleanup brownfields and Superfund sites over the last five years. But those funds are now in jeopardy.
It only took about a day for the Environmental Protection Agency to reverse its decision to delay implementation of new, tougher air pollution standards developed during the Obama administration.