Ohioans are concerned about the impact that all the new well pads, pipelines, compressor stations and diesel truck traffic are having on the environment and the quality of life in their rural communities. What can they learn from what has happened in southwestern Pennsylvania?
Residents reaction to a consent decree with a Pittsburgh-based company is mixed, despite a study that linked higher manganese in kids from East Liverpool with lower IQ.
A group of physicians has compiled every scientific study and credible report they can find about the public health risks of fracking. One of their conclusions: No amount of regulation makes fracking safe.
These miners' willingness to talk openly about their experiences provides a window into what life is like for the many Appalachian miners still struggling with the disease.
PWSA plans to add a chemical to the water that is expected to bring lead levels down in homes known to have lead pipes or solder, though there is no known safe level of lead in water.