
Prove your humanity

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Our 29-minute program airs weekly on radio stations in Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York. Find a listing HERE. Or, subscribe to our PODCAST, so you’ll never miss an episode.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg memorial

Episode for September 25, 2020

Remembering the environmental legacy of RBG. Will massive wildfires finally convince the public climate change is real? Plus, one way to get office buildings to reduce their carbon footprints could be to make energy use public.  Proposed Ohio cracker plant to get ethane from Pa. driller. 
Shell ethane cracker

Episode for September 18, 2020

How realistic is a plastics boom in the Ohio Valley? Authors of "Appalachian Fall" say lessons from coal country can help what's ailing America. Groups challenge new federal air rule for ethane crackers. Plus, air pollution and risk of stroke in heart patients. Pa. is a step closer to joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. 
Milton "Mickey" Pettry with Black Lung

Episode for September 4, 2020

This Labor Day: Why a coalition of environmental groups and unions endorsed Joe Biden. Coal miners are suffering from an epidemic of Black Lung disease, COVID is making it worse. Federal judges throw out Pa.'s air rules for coal plants that address smog. Rare bipartisan support for community solar projects. 
Blue Plastic Grocery Bag

Episode for August 28, 2020

What's better in a pandemic -- plastic or reusable bags? Heat, coronavirus, and smoke from wildfires are making farmworkers' jobs more dangerous. Despite decreasing emissions, climate change is worsening air quality. "Bomb trains" get federal go-ahead.
polar bear

Episode for August 21, 2020

The pandemic is delaying climate and environmental research at Penn State. Outdoor Afro works to connect Black people to nature, while one expert says nature groups need to do more to engage communities of color. Opening up the National Arctic Wildlife Refuge to drilling. 

Episode for August 14, 2020

Drilling mud from Mariner East construction contaminated a state park lake. Why Pennsylvania's GOP-led legislature isn't acting on climate. EPA rolls back rule on methane emissions. Meanwhile, a TIME journalist says 2020 may be our last best chance to stop climate change. Goats can do the weed control for you.

Episode for August 7, 2020

An alleged bribery scandal at the highest levels of Ohio politics produced a clean air bill that benefitted nuclear and coal plants over wind and solar energy. Plus, how important are environmental issues for voters as they head to the polls in November? And a one-of-a-kind prairie habitat in Pennsylvania is home to an endangered rattlesnake and a lot of wildflowers.
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Episode for July 31, 2020

Following Pennsylvania shale gas to Scotland, where ethane is being make into plastic. We also delve into the Scottish fracking debate and how they're dealing with plastic pollution. News about a green stimulus plan for Pennsylvania and reimagining Appalachia with a clean, sustainable future for all. 
McCown's longspur

Episode for July 24, 2020

Changing bird names tied to racism and colonialism. What recent court rulings against major pipelines mean for "energy dominance," the environment and Indigenous rights. A trip to Ice Mountain in West Virginia where rare plants grow and cool air seeps out of ice vents deep in the rocks.