
Prove your humanity

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Our 29-minute program airs weekly on radio stations in Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York. Find a listing HERE. Or, subscribe to our PODCAST, so you’ll never miss an episode.

Flight 93 Visitor's Center

Episode for September 10, 2021

The challenges of preserving the sacred ground at the Flight 93 National Memorial and the efforts to treat water pollution that plagued the site long before the plane crashed there on 9/11. A look back as a naturalist searched for reassurance in nature on September 12. We dig into the recent decision by a federal judge to throw out a Trump rule that stripped protections for many streams and wetlands.
running buffalo clover

Episode for September 3, 2021

A little clover makes a big move off the Endangered Species list. What some labor unions want in a clean energy economy. We'll also talk to the engineer tasked with making sure fossil fuel communities aren't left behind. Plus, Pa. is a step closer to putting a price on carbon. News about fracking waste and the Clean Water Act.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Episode for August 27, 2021

The wonder and peril of bird migration with author Scott Weidensaul. Teaching computer models to identify birdsong to aid in conservation. The Department of Energy listens to community perspectives on the ethane and petrochemical industries. News about the Falcon pipeline and climate education in Pa. schools.

Episode for August 20, 2021

A vaccine blitz for raccoons hopes to stop rabies from marching westward. How to shop smart for electricity. A short documentary features little kids tackling a big environmental problem... litter. News about a new plan for Pa.'s state parks to address climate change, a fine for spills from the Mariner East, and a roadblock for a new coal mine in Allegheny County.
Emily Carrollo

Episode for August 13, 2021

The latest UN climate report is the most dire yet. A climate scientist breaks it down. Calls for a new Civilian Conservation Corps. And we head into the woods with Pennsylvania's bear biologist to tag black bears. News about conservation funding and a fine for a pipeline company.
Bee on flower

Episode for August 6, 2021

Green infrastructure uses natural systems to steer rainwater away from aging sewer systems, but it could lead to gentrification. Indigenous tribes, forcibly removed from Appalachia 200 years ago, are reconnecting with a traditional food: pawpaw. News about Pa. state parks, air quality, and a mysterious bird disease. 
sharp-shinned hawk

Episode for July 30, 2021

While bald eagle populations are increasing, other birds of prey are declining. Philadelphia residents are accusing the city of racism over permitting a new natural gas plant. How homeowners can join foresters in stopping the hemlock wooly adelgid. Plus, news about air quality and fracking.
Jennings prairie

Episode for July 23, 2021

How tourism impacts local communities and their natural resources. A call for stricter regulations on handling radioactive oil and gas waste. A network of physicians, researchers, and cancer survivors issues a declaration to reduce pollution so fewer people get cancer. We take a trip to Pennsylvania’s very own prairie.
Dolly Sods Wilderness

Episode for July 16, 2021

We take a hike in one of the region's most unique landscapes: the Dolly Sods Wilderness. Pa.'s effort to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative has cleared another hurdle, but some who represent power plant communities have questions. Pittsburgh's riverfront trails are where its industrial past and its future meet.
Cindi Fink with an empty birdfeeder.

Episode for July 9, 2021

Researchers are racing to find the cause of mysterious bird deaths being reported across the eastern US. We have answers to your questions on Biden's climate plan. Longtime environmental journalist, Don Hopey reflects on his beat in Pittsburgh. News about U.S. Steel's Clairton Coke Works.