More and more women are taking the lead on U.S. farms. And some women farmers are looking to each other for social, emotional and entrepreneurial support.
Ohio State University is getting serious about transforming the state’s agricultural system. How serious? Try $100 million serious. So where does that leave Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania's nine-month budget stalemate is finally over. And people at Penn State's century-old agricultural extension are breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Surveys show a majority of Americans support labeling of genetically modified foods. But there is intense debate over what a GMO labeling program should look like and how far it should go.
Despite warnings from the U.S. Forest Service, not everyone's buying that warming temperatures will spell doom and gloom for the sugar maple across the Midwest and Northeast.
A physics professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania has accidentally hit on a way to determine food freshness that's way better than an expiration date—or the sniff test.
Even if we take dramatic steps to reduce carbon emissions, the reality is for the next 40 years—at least—we’re going to need to farm in a changing climate.
The University of Missouri and Kansas State University have developed pigs resistant to a deadly virus that costs the U.S. pork industry millions every year.