The UK plans to completely stop burning coal for electricity by 2025. Why is its political reality so different from ours? One answer: climate change isn't up for debate.
An area roughly the size of Delaware has been mined for coal in Appalachia using mountaintop removal, according to a new study published in the journal PLOS...
Former Kentucky miners described being pressured to cover up coal dust monitors meant to protect them. New research shows a resurgence in black lung disease.
Families in Butler County sued the fracking company when their well water had a strong smell and a bad taste after drilling began. Their water is still bad.
Emissions from the nation’s oil and gas industry are nearly 60 percent higher than EPA estimates. That's bad for the climate because methane is 86 times more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Range Resources is building a shale gas well along a ridge a few hundred feet from the popular trail. A pipeline right-of-way, about 50 feet wide, has been cut through a wooded section that hikers will see as they pass by.