The Gas Industry Is Fighting the Phase Out of Fossil Fuels by Targeting Your Gas Stove Kara HolsoppleFebruary 26, 2021 The natural gas industry wants you to keep using gas stoves as a growing number of cities ban gas in new construction. Climate ChangeEnergyHealthYour Environment Update
At DEP Budget Hearing, a Focus on Pa.’s Effort to Join RGGI Rachel McDevittFebruary 26, 2021 The DEP budget hearing brought up the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, criticisms of DEP and Texas grid failures. EnergyPolitics
Delaware River Basin Commission Votes to Ban Fracking in the Watershed Susan PhillipsFebruary 26, 2021 The four-state commission cited scientific evidence that fracking has polluted drinking water, surface water, and groundwater. EnergyWater
Gas Industry Hasn’t Delivered on Its Economic Promise to Communities, Report Says Jon HurdleFebruary 16, 2021 The industry rejects the report, calling natural gas extraction a 'game-changer for local economies.' EconomyEnergyYour Environment Update
More Ohioans Want Some Say in Siting Drilling Waste Injection Wells Julie GrantFebruary 12, 2021 Residents near injection wells in Ohio fear pollution, noise and earthquakes. Local leaders want some say in where these wells are located. EnergyWho's Listening
Groups Oppose Pittsburgh-Area Fracking Waste Injection Well Reid FrazierFebruary 12, 2021 The groups are concerned about drinking water contamination and earthquakes. Regulators say it's safe. EnergyWater
Range Resources Fined Nearly $300K for Misclassifying Wells Reid FrazierFebruary 11, 2021 The wells should have been declared abandoned and plugged. If left unplugged, they can cause air, water and soil contamination. Energy
U.S. Supreme Court to Hear PennEast Pipeline Eminent Domain Case Susan PhillipsFebruary 4, 2021 New Jersey says the pipeline company can't take state-controlled conservation land for the project. A federal appeals court agreed that condemning public land violates the 11th Amendment. EnergyFollow the Pipeline
Unused Gas Well Spews What’s Suspected to Be Frack Waste, Killing Fish Julie GrantFebruary 4, 2021 The leak, which is now contained, killed fish in a small stream in Noble County, Ohio. The well hasn't produced natural gas in years. EnergyPollutionWater
Climate Change Doesn’t Get a Mention in Wolf’s Budget Address Rachel McDevittFebruary 4, 2021 Wolf proposed mainly flat funding for environmental agencies and a severance tax on natural gas. Climate ChangeEconomyEnergyPolitics