In the coming weeks, billions of cicadas will emerge across the region after hanging out underground for 17 years. But how exactly they know when to emerge en masse is still kind of a mystery.
Every bothered to check out what that ant crawling down the sidewalk is really up to? In his new book, author Nathanael Johnson takes a fresh look at the natural mysteries hiding in plain sight.
The deadly white-nose syndrome has hit northern long-eared bats particularly hard. But federal officials have finalized new protections to help the species rebound from the disease.
When baby birds get blown out of a nest, it's not always the end of the line for them. In fact, there's a lot you can do to give injured or orphaned animals a leg-up.
Pat Jacobs’ four backyard bird feeders typically draw the usual suspects. But during a recent winter snowstorm, she saw—and heard—a familiar friend from South Texas.