Pittsburgh’s Schenley Park has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1985. But efforts are underway to get three more parks listed by 2020: Frick Park, Highland Park, and Riverview Park.
Teddy Roosevelt famously refused to shoot a bear tied to a tree because he thought it was extremely unsportsman-like. In fact, that's how we got the Teddy bear. But there's more to the story.
President Trump’s proposed 2,000-mile long, 30-foot high border wall would impact more than the landscape. It could bring an end to the species that live in its path.
President Nixon signed the Endangered Species Act in 1973 with broad bi-partisan support. Now, the landmark legislation is being targeted by industry, with support from the GOP. What happens next could determine the fate of hundreds of endangered species.
The Farm Bill provides funding for farm projects to protect water quality and creating habitat. The House version of the bill cuts nearly $800 million from these programs over 10 years.
The Game Commission has medication to help bears infected with mange, so people are encouraged to report sightings of animals with bald spots or those that appear underweight.
When Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy staff cleared away invasive honeysuckle, they discovered a rare find - healthy, disease-free butternut trees. The species is threatened by a fatal fungal disease.