Many industries in the U.S. have cut their carbon footprints in recent years, but transportation remains one sector where emissions are still increasing.
Climate change is causing more severe storms in the American Midwest. And the impacts of urban flooding are taking a big toll on a historic Chicago neighborhood.
For all the attention carbon dioxide gets in the conversation about climate change, methane is up to 100 times more powerful a greenhouse gas. And the reason why has a lot to do with how it absorbs sunlight.
ISeeChange's new mobile app allows you to link your observations about climate and weather with NASA's satellite mapping of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Usually, the discussion about climate-changing emissions centers on carbon dioxide. But the EPA is now giving methane leaks from the oil and gas industry more scrutiny.
Climate activists see bringing climate change into the classroom as a simple matter of updating the science curriculum. But a recent survey revealed that science teachers are often ill-equipped to deal with the subject.
Americans are not responding to climate change with the urgency that scientists are telling us the problem demands. The reason why may be all this pleasant weather climate change has brought us so far.
With the science of climate change basically settled, some in the movement are arguing climate activists need to do less marching and start pushing a clear legislative agenda.
The Supreme Court may have thrown Obama's plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions into legal limbo. But that's not stopping Pennsylvania from taking its own steps to combat climate change.