The owner of the natural gas pipeline that exploded last month in western Pennsylvania faced some tough questions from residents at a recent public Q&A.
In the wake of the drilling boom, Pennsylvania is now seeing a boom in natural gas pipeline construction. But last week's explosion has some Pennsylvanians raising big questions about pipeline safety.
Though a majority of Americans now oppose fracking, all three anti-fracking candidates in Pennsylvania's Democratic primary recently went down to defeat. So what gives?
Many corporations are using Earth Day as an occasion to advertise green products. But for consumers, there's a subtle line between savvy marketing and greenwashing.
Protesters who took to the trees Tuesday are holding steady in their opposition to the construction of a natural gas pipeline through their family's property.
Reid R. Frazier covers energy for The Allegheny Front. His work has taken him as far away as Texas and Louisiana to report on the petrochemical industry and as close to home as Greene County, Pennsylvania to cover the shale gas boom. His award-winning work has also aired on NPR, Marketplace and other outlets. Reid recently received a fellowship from MIT's Environmental Solutions Initiative.