U.S. Steel dropped plans for a fracking company to drill at the Edgar Thomson plant in Braddock. The decision comes after years of opposition from some residents.
Despite some improvements, the Pittsburgh metro area ranked 9th worst in the country for long-term particle pollution, which is associated with heart and lung disease.
Shell has put policies in place to try to prevent the spread of COVID. But photographs obtained by The Allegheny Front and StateImpact Pennsylvania show that policy isn’t always followed.
Is U.S. Steel making up pollution numbers to avoid stricter rules under the Clean Air Act? GASP thinks it just might be. They want the company to show their math.
The company damaged dozens of waterways at its gas drilling sites in Pennsylvania. It will have to restore 55 acres of wetlands and repair 4,000 feet of streams.
Fracking waste can be radioactive. Advocates want it included in a pair of state-sponsored studies into fracking and childhood cancer, asthma, and poor birth outcomes.
Reid R. Frazier covers energy for The Allegheny Front. His work has taken him as far away as Texas and Louisiana to report on the petrochemical industry and as close to home as Greene County, Pennsylvania to cover the shale gas boom. His award-winning work has also aired on NPR, Marketplace and other outlets. Reid is recently received a fellowship from MIT's Environmental Solutions Initiative.