
Prove your humanity

The Allegheny Front

Episode for May 31, 2019

Peregrine falcons are back on the Rachel Carson Building, decades after Silent Spring. Landowners are helping endangered species by protecting their land forever. Toxic PFAS chemicals from firefighting foam have been found at two military bases at the Pittsburgh airport. Plus, news about Chesapeake Bay clean-up efforts.

Episode for May 24, 2019

This week on The Allegheny Front, reclaimed mineland gets an ecological do-over. Citizen scientists are needed to track pollinators. Plus, some say there are too many farmers markets, but for many growers, it's a reliable source of income. From our Trump on Earth podcast, we look at some of the 2020 Democratic candidates' climate plans.
Wind turbines in Somerset County, PA.

Episode for May 17, 2019

This week on The Allegheny Front, saving bats from white-nose syndrome and collisions with wind turbines.  Go on a trip to a vernal pool, critical for frogs and salamanders. Pennsylvanians are waking up to the realities of climate change and an energy company has to restore streams it destroyed.
Ohio River

Episode for May 10, 2019

This week on The Allegheny Front, Pennsylvania goes old-school to prevent forest fires while controlled burns on game lands create habitat for a threatened songbird. The UN warns of mass extinction, a new study says the Ohio River has more fish and Three Mile Island nuclear plant will close in September.
well pad in a green field with hills behind it

Episode for May 3, 2019

This week on The Allegheny Front, prosecutors in Pennsylvania are looking into possible environmental crimes committed during the fracking boom. New technology aims to recycle flexible plastic like candy wrappers. Pa. commits to goals in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Plus, the latest on the Clairton Coke Works, Pa. nuclear bailout and oil/gas waste.

Episode for April 26, 2019

This week on The Allegheny Front, we talk with local researchers about a fungus that's devastating frog populations across the globe and its impact locally. A citizen science project enlists nature lovers, including kids, to head to their local ponds to gather data on frogs. Plus, how the past might help us act more boldly on climate change. An update on a state investigation into a rare cancer.
Downtown Pittsburgh

Episode for April 19, 2019

This week on The Allegheny Front, stories about the air we breathe: neighbors of an industrial coke plant say a recent fire there has made air pollution worse in their community; a new book looks at air pollution from a global perspective. Plus, the story of a Pittsburgh environmental group that started in the 1960s with a guerrilla marketing campaign and outrage over smoky skies.

Episode for April 12, 2019

This week on The Allegheny Front, surveying Pittsburgh's rivers to see if a salamander is bouncing back, in hopes that an endangered mussel can make a comeback, too. The story of how one school teacher saved a swampy patch of suburb for salamanders. A planned gas storage hub meets resistance and utility companies look to a younger generation.

Episode for April 5, 2019

This week on The Allegheny Front, Japan bets on hydrogen-fueled vehicles, but will consumers buy them? We talk with a reporter who found "chaos" when she went to New Mexico to see how the government is managing drilling on public lands. DEP is investigating well water contamination from fracking in suburbs. Plus, the fast food industry embraces the vegan burger that bleeds.

The Allegheny Front

The Allegheny Front is an environmental reporting outlet covering issues in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia.